FYSOS: Media Storage Devices
Benjamin David Lunt
1st Edition
(Released: 2015 Jun 01)
ISBN-13: 978-1514111888
ISBN-10: 1514111888

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Volume Three of a
series of books on Operating System Design

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This book is Volume 3 of the series, FYSOS: Operating System Design, and will show the reader how to detect, initialize, and communicate with three of the most common media hardware devices, the Floppy Disk Controller, the IDE Hard Disk Controller, and the SATA (AHCI) Hard Disk Controller. The reader will learn how to detect the controller, what type of controller it is, initialize it to default values, detect attached devices, and then communicate with those devices, such as reading and writing to the attached media.
All of this is done without any outside help, such as operating system calls or the help of the BIOS. The reader will learn how to communicate with the hardware directly, reading and writing to the system bus to achieve these tasks.
The companion CD-ROM contains complete source code of each example within the book, showing how to accomplish these tasks.
This book, and its companion series of books, does not expect you to build the next great wonder of the computer world. It simply will help you with your interest in controlling the computer's hardware, from the point the BIOS releases execution to your boot code to the point of a fully working Graphical User Interface.
It is not required that you know much about operating system design, though a good knowledge of C Programming Language and a moderate knowledge of an Intel/AMD x86 computer's hardware is expected to use this book.

Information in the book or on the CD-ROM may include

228 pages
• Detecting FDC Controllers
• Identifying the type and brand of FDC
• Communicating with the FDC controller and any attached drives
• Identifying the floppy disk's media format
• Detecting ATA Controllers
• Using the IDE interface to Identify an attached drive
• Using the IDE interface to read and write sectors using PIO and DMA transfers
• Detecting SATA Controllers
• Using the AHCI interface to Identify an attached drive
• Using the AHCI interface to read and write sectors using DMA transfers
• Includes details, quirks, and other information about hard drives and their controllers
• Does NOT include USB media devices, since these types of devices are detailed in Volume 8.

The Companion CD-ROM

The companion CD-ROM is no longer available due to the ease of access to the internet. With that being said, the source code is available via github.
See Appendix A for the structure and contents of this repository, which will be updated when time, neccesity, and/or interest allows.

Table of Contents

Part 1
1. Media Storage Devices Overview
2. The PCI Hardware
Part 2
3. The Floppy Disk Controller
4. Floppy DMA and Media Type Detection
Part 3
5. The IDE Hard Disk Controller
6. The ATA and ATAPI Commands
7. Identifying a Device
8. Sending Packet Commands
9. PIO verses DMA Transfers
10. ATA IDE Driver Initialization
Part 4
11. The SATA Controller
12. The AHCI Interface
13. The Command List Structure
14. Sending SATA Commands
Appendix A - Disc Contents
Appendix B - Included Utilities/Source Code
Appendix C - Tables and Figures
Appendix D - Command Sets
Appendix E - Other FDC Commands
Appendix F - PCI Bus Master Timing
Appendix G - PCI AHCI Enabling
Appendix H - Notes and Other Comments
Appendix X - For More Information
A more detailed Table of Contents (pdf), stripped directly out of the book.

User Comments

- - "The book is very good so far, and I am following it for the DMA initialization", kemosparc
- - "I am learning how to communicate with SATA disk through the controller. I am on the Internet to look up information when I saw the introduction of this book, I was deeply attracted, which is exactly the book I was looking for.", Min Li