Being a Boy Scout
Stories of an LDS Scout
Benjamin David Lunt

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Stories of a scout, growing up in a Mormon troop, from when he was just turning twelve to getting his Eagle at the age of sixteen. A story of a favorite campout, where the hike was almost more than he could handle, and a 100-foot wall of water sweeping him off his feet. Fishing stories that you won't believe. Stories of how a scout troop turned a tall skinny kid in to a young man ready for whatever life had in store for him.
These are short stories told by a grown man of his memories of being a young scout, learning the rules and ways of life. Going to Scout Camps, learning how to cook over an open fire. Stories that scared him silly, stories that made him laugh, stories that made him cry.
Stories where he learned how to be trustworthy of his actions, loyal to his fellow scouts, helpful to others, and a good friend. He learned to be courteous, kind, obedient of his leaders, cheerful as activities were near, and thrifty with the few dollars he might have had. He was sometimes brave and clean, though usually more brave than clean, and learned to be reverent when that time came upon him.
These stories are told in the first-person narrative style as if the author was 12 years old and currently on these campouts and scout outings told within the pages of this book. Each story has a moral connection to life and how we can make ourselves a better boy, young man, and a better adult. (click on the "Chapter n" link to see the first page of that book)
Chapter 1 tells a story of my first campout, getting rained on, knocked down by a wall of water, then picked up by a four-legged man with a giant hand.
Chapter 2 tells a story of my first 50-mile hike, being afraid of the sounds in the dark, a runaway scout, and tempting the bear within.
Chapter 3 tells of my first fish and the one in a million way I caught my second and how to learn from the teachings of our elders.
Chapter 4 tells of walking in the tracks of a bulldozer waiting for the serpent to come from the ground and how to avoid its strike.
Chapter 5 tells of my first hunting trip and the rabbit within my sights.
Chapter 6 tells a story about playing with fire, a bucket with a ring on it, and how to make sure we exstinguish the embers within our mind.
Chapter 7 tells a story about going home-teaching and being grateful for the things we have even in with the pains of life.

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