USB Port Tester

Nothing much other than still working on the USB hub mentioned below. Also created a small USB Port Tester I found at

It isn't much, but it was fun to build. It simply lights the Red LED if the Vcc and Grn poles are backward, lights the Green LED if they are correct. The Blue LED is lit if the USB controller has power. When the USB controller tries to enumerate the device, the Blue LED flashes.


Working on the 4-port hub. I found that I used an 8-MHz crystal instead of the specified 6-Mhz. I don't know if this makes any different, but I will switch it out and see what happens. (I swear I saw 8, but looking closer, the specs say 6...)

Created a few other small projects here and there. Really not much to blog about. When I get the 4-port hub working, I will post more about it.