Pine Wood Derby Traps 2

I created and sent in the Gerber Files for the PCB and have had the PCB's and parts returned. I started to assemble them and noticed that the Transistors don't line up with the holes I had drilled, darn it. I will have to mount them a little high. Also, the Cap is a bit bigger than I had hoped and takes up a bit more room. I will keep working with it and post what I come up with.

P.S. It is a bit dark, but if you look closely, you can see the ranks of a scout, with "Eagle" near the bottom right, all done in the copper layer.

Vol 9: The Graphical User Interface

I have been making a bit of progress on Vol 9 of my book series.

The GUI is almost complete, I lack a few more objects, but should have a working DOS (DJGPP + DPMI) .EXE demo soon. The part I was working on last required a few fonts, so I made a small app to allow me to create bit representations of fonts.

It grew from a little fixed 8x12 point font editor to what you see there, a variable width, fixed height font builder, up to 24x24 font points per char.

It allows you to move the pixel map up or down within the grid, shrink or expand the width, flip, invert, etc., along with the three slider bars. These three allow for a character specific placement. For example, if you want the small 'p' char to drop below the rest of the line, you can give it a vertical delta of up to +10 to tell the font drawer to drop this char. Same to raise it, a delta of up to -10. The horizontal delta is the same but for the horizontal movement. The Width Delta allows you to give the char a false width to let the font drawer place the next char closer, overlapping this char (-delta) or leave extra space after this char (+delta) before drawing the next char.

It allows you to dump the data to see where and what is going on or simply save the font and the GUI.EXE demo will use the file as is. All you have to do is give the GUI.EXE a font name and it will find and load that font.

The app and the source will be included on the CDROM that will be available with the book.