Please write a review for my USB book

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If you write a review, for this book, or for one of my other books, please let me know. I would love to hear from you and what you think.

At the same time, please let me know what project you are currently working on and if you have any questions and I will do my best to help you out.

Thank you.

Release of the NewBasic C Compiler

Due to interest on the alt.os.development newsgroup, I have released a very alpha version of my C Compiler producing assembly language output for my NBASM assembler. This compiler is heavily based on Alex's SmallerC compiler. Have a look at this page for more information.

Simple Electronic Combination Lock

I was working with a few single-throw change-over toggle switches the other day and had a simple thought that these could be used for a, though somewhat unsecure, simple electronic combination lock. If only the action part of the switch was accessible, you could place as many of these in series as you wish and create this simple lock. As with the image below, you can add jumpers to modify the sequence or you could hardwire it directly, being sure that the jumpers and wiring were not accessible or visible to the user.

With the image above, the sequence would be UP-DOWN-DOWN-UP.

As you know, with only two possible positions (bits) and four switches (a nibble), there is only sixteen different possibilites, so a max of fifteen different tries would break it. However, this would make for a simple, "keep the honest, honest" combination lock.

Besides, if you add four more, you have a total of 256 different combinations. This would take a would-be thief a little while to crack.

Just an interesting thought. Enjoy.