Enumerate/list the open files in DOS 7.x

The following code will allow you to list the files that are currently opened.

Use service 440Dh/6Dh of DOS 7.x. Remember that this service asks for the index in the total list of open files. So this codes starts with zero in SI and goes until and error is returned.
;   ENUM
;  Enumerates all open files in DOS 7.x

;  Assembled with NBASM

.model tiny
           org  100h

           xor  si,si             ; start with number 1  (si = index - 1)
More:      mov  ax,440Dh          ; generic IOCTR / drive function 0Dh
           mov  cx,086Dh          ; enumerate open files
           xor  bl,bl             ; current drive
           mov  dx,offset Buffer  ; Buffer
           xor  di,di             ; all files
           int  21h               ; do it
           jc   short Done        ; carry set if error (no more)

           push si                ; print the file returned
           mov  si,offset CRLF    ;  starting with a CRLF
           call prtstring         ;

           mov  bx,offset FTypeO  ; get file type (CX on return from above)
           shl  cx,1              ; index it
           add  bx,cx             ; add to bx
           mov  si,[bx]           ; and get it into si
           call prtstring         ; print it
           pop  si                ; restore index number

           inc  si                ; inc to next index number

           jmp  short More        ; do it again

Done:      .exit                  ; exit to DOS

Prtstring  proc near uses ax dx si
           mov  ah,02                   ; DOS print char service
Ps1:       lodsb                        ; Get character & point to next one
           or   al,al                   ; End of string?
           jz   short ps2               ; Yes, so exit
           mov  dl,al                   ; 
           int  21h                     ; Output a character
           jmp  short Ps1               ; Keep doing it
Ps2:       ret
Prtstring  endp

FTypeO     dw  offset Type1
           dw  offset Type2
           dw  offset Type3
           dw  offset Type4    ; filler
           dw  offset Type5
Type1      db  '  [normal file]',0
Type2      db  '  [memory-mapped file (unmovable)]',0
Type3      db  '  [unmovable file]',0
Type4      db  '  [*filler*]',0   ; shouldn't get this one
Type5      db  '  [swap file]',0

CRLF       db  13,10,0            ; CRLF
Buffer     dup 128,?              ; a 128 byte buffer


Values for file type:
 0000h	normal file
 0001h	memory-mapped file (unmovable)
 0002h	unmovable file
 0004h	swap file

Mode returned in AL:
	    bit  7    inheritance
	    bits 4-6  sharing mode
	    bit  3    reserved
	    bits 0-2  access mode
		100 read-only, do not modify file's last-access time (DOS 7.0)

A note: If you are in a Windows DOS session, Windoze might open and close a file while you are displaying them with the above code. With this in mind, you might get the same file returned twice, or you might "skip" a file. If you want, you could add the CLI/STI instructions to help keep this to a minimal. However, prolonged usage without interrupts can cause hangs, errors, and even serious damage.

Maybe you could get all the file names and store them in a buffer, then print the buffer. This would make the actual "getting" time smaller with less chance of errors.

How about a C version:
#include <dos.h>

// define the register content structures
union REGS inregs, outregs;
struct SREGS segregs;

unsigned int  FileIndex = 0;
         char FileName[128];
unsigned char FileType, FileMode;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  // make sure we are a far pointer
  void far *mptr = FileName;

  do {
    inregs.x.ax = 0x440D;       // MS-DOS 7.0+ - GENERIC IOCTL - ENUMERATE OPEN FILES
    inregs.x.dx = FP_OFF(mptr); // offset
    segregs.ds = FP_SEG(mptr);  // segment 
    inregs.x.bx = 0x00;         // BL = drive number
    inregs.x.cx = 0x086D;       // Part of service id
    inregs.x.si = FileIndex++;  // current index
    inregs.x.di = 0x00;         // DI = 0 = all files
    intdosx(&inregs, &outregs, &segregs);

    if (!outregs.x.cflag) {
      FileType = outregs.x.cx;
      FileMode = outregs.x.ax;
      printf("\n File: %s",FileName);

  } while (!outregs.x.cflag);

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