Executing a program within a program
I have included the assembly source listing (see below) for executing another program from within a High-level Programming Language. I have used QuickBasic 4.5 as my example, but it should be easy enough to change it to C or Pascal. Just see which order they stack the parameters on the stack and you can change it quite easily.
.model medium, basic
CmdTail db 64 ; Length of command tail
db 64 dup(20h),13 ; Actual command tail
Parms dw 0 ; Parent environment block is OK
dw offset CmdTail ; Command tail address
dw seg CmdTail
dw 0,0 ; FCB pointers don't matter
dw 0,0
Even ; make all math even for faster execution
public execute ; make execute public to quick basic
Execute proc far basic uses bp bx cx dx si di ds es, execfile:word, Prms:word
local savess:word, savesp:word ; (can't push ss or sp on to stack)
push ds ; make sure es = ds
pop es ;
mov bx,offset Prms ; Put passed parameter list
mov si,[bx+2] ; into our parameter list
mov di,offset CmdTail ;
inc di ; inc past len
mov cx,64 ; no more than 64
PutParms: lodsb ;
or al,al ; end of passed list?
jz short DonePs ; yes then end
stosb ;
loop PutParms ;
DonePs: mov ah,4Bh ; exec function
xor al,al ; load and execute
mov bx,offset execfile ; path name to file to execute
mov dx,[bx+2]
mov bx,offset parms ; parameter block
mov savess,ss ; don't want to loose sp:ss during
mov savesp,sp ; exec call
int 21h ; call interrupt
mov ss,savess ; restore sp:ss from saved values
mov sp,savesp ;
xor ah,ah ; clear HI byte of RC
jnc short ExeDn ; if error, carry set and al = error
xor al,al ; if no error clear LO byte of RC
ExeDn: ret ; r2
Execute endp ; end of procedure
end ; end of assembly code
To call this routine in QuickBasic4.5 use the following:
SETMEM (-10000)
DECLARE FUNCTION Execute% (ExecFile$, Prms$)
PRINT Execute%("c:\DOS\EDIT.COM" + CHR$(0), "/someparameter" + CHR$(0))
You give this function two parameters. The first is the path and file name that you want to execute. The second is the parameter list that would be added on to the command line if it was executed from the DOS prompt. Please note that both have the string of +CHR$(0) added to them. This makes them ASCIIz. MUST BE DONE.
This function returns in Execute% an error code of:
0 = OK
1 = invalid function
2 = file not found
3 = path not found
4 = too many files open
5 = access denied
8 = insufficient memory
10 = invalid environment block
11 = invalid format
As QuickBasic allocates all of the available memory as startup, you must free some of that memory to allow this function to work. You must free enough memory so that the wanted program can fit and all of the memory that it wants can fit. To do this, you can use the following line:
SETMEM(- somevalue)
If you have any other questions or see a mistake that I made, please e-mail me and I will
do my best to help out.