Detecting the Gameport
Version: 1.00b
Author: Ben Lunt (Forever Young Software)
Date: 08 Dec 1998
Assembler: NBASM
; ************************************************************************
; * This is a small snip of code to detect the game port.
; *
; * You may use this code as you would like.
; * As always, If this code crashes you machine in anyway I am
; * not held responsible. Use at your own risk.
; *
.model tiny
org 100h
start: mov ax,cs ; free unused part of Mem Block
mov es,ax ; for .COM file format
mov bx,4096 ;
mov ah,4Ah ;
int 21h ;
mov al,01h ; value to write to
mov dx,0201h ; port number 0201h
out dx,al ;
mov bx,offset yes ; assume gameport installed
mov cx,0F00h ; number of loops
port_loop: in al,dx ; read from port
and al,0Fh ; if joystick present, then AL should
cmp al,0Fh ; be 0Fh after ANDing with 0Fh.
je short done
loop port_loop
mov bx,offset no ; gameport not installed
done: mov dx,bx ; bx = offset of string to print
mov ah,09h
int 21h
yes db 13,10,'Game port installed.',13,10,36
no db 13,10,'Game port not installed.',13,10,36
.end start
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