Get all disk drives
Get all of the Disk Drives accessible by DOS. Returns CD-ROM and other drives as well
Version: 1.00b
Author: Ben Lunt (Forever Young Software)
Date: 09 Dec 1998
Assembler: NBASM
; Displays to current drives on your system that can be accessed
; by DOS.
.model tiny
; we know that all machines have a drive a: (first floppy)
; we know that all machines have a drive b: also, whether it be
; a second floppy drive or a logical floppy drive.
; let us use DOS's Low Memory to tell us if drive b: is a floppy
; or if it is a logical floppy.
mov dx,offset DrvAChkS
mov ah,09
int 21h
call GetADrvs
mov ah,02 ; print 'A'
mov dl,'A'
int 21h
test cl,00000001b
jz short DrvANPrs
mov dx,offset DrvThere
jmp short DrvAPrsP
DrvANPrs: mov dx,offset DrvNThere
DrvAPrsP: mov ah,09
int 21h
mov ah,02 ; print 'B'
mov dl,'B'
int 21h
test cl,00000010b
jz short DrvBNPrs
mov dx,offset DrvThere
jmp short DrvBPrsP
DrvBNPrs: mov dx,offset DrvNThere
DrvBPrsP: mov ah,09
int 21h
; we need to save current drive letter so when routine is done, we will
; be on same drive that we started
mov ah,19h ; save current disk drive
int 21h ;
push ax ; save the letter
; we scan drives c: through z: to check if they're are accessible by DOS.
; The way we do it:
; Change drive to DriveLetterWanted
; Try to access drive
; if accessed then drive ok, else drive not present
; NOTE: When changing to a drive using service 0Eh of INT 21h,
; no physical thing happens until next drive access.
; So, we must try to access it using service 19h (get current disk).
; This service will report an error if disk drive not available.
mov dl,01h ; check for the drive (start w/ C:)
mov cx,24 ; do 24 times
LoopIt: inc dl ; inc to next drive letter
push dx ; save drive letter
push dx ; print drive letter
mov ah,02 ;
add dl,65 ;
int 21h ;
pop dx ;
mov ah,0Eh ; select disk drive service
int 21h ;
mov ah,19h ; Try to access it
int 21h ;
cmp al,dl ; if current drive = saved drive
jne short NotExist ;
mov dx,offset DrvThere ;
jmp short DoesExist ;
NotExist: mov dx,offset DrvNThere ;
DoesExist: mov ah,09 ;
int 21h ;
pop dx ;
loop LoopIt ;
; restore save drive letter from above
pop dx ; restore saved drive letter
mov ah,0Eh ; restore current disk
int 21h ;
Done: mov ah,4Ch ; exit to DOS
int 21h ;
GetADrvs proc near uses ax bx dx es
; (floppies only)
xor cl,cl ; bits set represent drvs available
mov dx,0040h ; low memory area we want to use
mov es,dx ;
mov bx,0010h ; we want word at 0040:0010h
mov dx,es:[bx] ;
shr dl,01h ; Bit 0 of dx: 0- no floppies
jnc short NoFlops ; 1- floppies exist
shr dl,05h ; bits 7 and 6 show how many
jz short OneDrv ; 0- one drive, 1- two drives
or cl,00000011b ; 2- three drives, 3- four drives
jmp short NoFlops ;
OneDrv: mov dx,0050h ; let us see which drive is active
mov es,dx ; a: or b: (which is currently
mov bx,0004h ; the default drive letter)
mov dl,es:[bx] ; 0- Acting as drive A:
or dl,dl ; 1- Acting as drive B:
je short DrvAasA ;
or cl,00000010b ; set accordingly
jmp short NoFlops ; .
DrvAasA: or cl,00000001b ; .
NoFlops: ret ;
GetADrvs endp ; end of procedure
DrvAChkS db 13,10,'Checking Floppy drives a: and b:...',13,10,36
DrvThere db ' Drive present',13,10,36
DrvNThere db ' Drive NOT present',13,10,36
Note: If you use the value in AL after calling service 0Eh, to determine
the number of drives in your system, beware. In MS-DOS versions
3.0 and later, the value is determined by taking the largest of
the following: the number of logical drives actually installed
(including RAM disks), the number of drives indicated in the
LASTDRIVE command in CONFIG.SYS, or the number 5. Therefore, the
minimum value returned by this function is 05h. (Norton p.318)
Note: Even though this routine will return 'Drive NOT present' if you only
have one floppy drive, the other drive letter is a logical drive
and if accessed will use the single floppy drive renaming its drive
letter to B: if was A: (or visa-versa)
ie: if the current floppy drive letter is a: and the following was
typed at the DOS prompt:
then the drive would now be accessed with the drive letter 'b'
(to change back, simply do the opposite, entering a: at the DOS
prompt) Most of the time, DOS will prompt you before it changes
the disk drives' letter (name).
**** In a Windows95 DOS session, Windows95 'gracefully' displays
a blue screen asking you to enter the disk in the drive. You
would think that Microsoft could have just printed a line at
the DOS prompt rather than going to so much trouble and
'flashing' this message at you.
(*If it ain't broke don't fix it*)
Thanks to George W. Bean for requesting this info.