Looking at what is in conventional memory and the master environment

Download the source code from here (4k), and unzip it (See my links page for PKUNZIP) in a directory of your choice, then view MCB.ASM for details.
(To download, I suggest right clicking the link and saving to disk)

- To use MCB just type MCB at the DOS prompt.
MCB will show you what each Memory Control Block has and the source explains in more detail how it is done.

Before we get on to the code, there is an undocumented feature in DOS 2.x and up that allows us to send a command to the COMMAND.COM interpreter as if we typed this on the command line.

This feature is INT 2Eh. We point ds:si to a small table holding our command line and call INT 2Eh. Please note that this interrupt destroys all registers except cs:ip.

The format of the table is:
  byte    size of command line not counting CR
  bytes   command line
  byte    CR  (ascii 13)

This allows the master environment to be modified by issuing a "SET" command. However, changes in the master environment will not become effective until all programs descended from the primary COMMAND.COM terminate.

Also, your program must ensure that sufficient memory to load the transient portion can be allocated by DOS if necessary.

Here is an example:
; This routine simply sets an ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE to
;  the current date in YYYMMDD form using COMMAND.COM and SET.
; assembled with NBASM
.model tiny

           .start                       ; free unused part of memory block

           mov  ah,2Ah                  ; DOS get date function
           int  21h                     ; cx=year, dh=month, dl=day

           push cs                      ; make sure es=cs
           pop  es                      ;

           cld                          ; make sure going forward

           mov  di,offset our_strng     ;
           mov  ax,cx                   ; year
           call prtdec                  ;
           xor  ah,ah                   ;
           mov  al,dh                   ; month
           call prtdec                  ;
           mov  al,dl                   ; day
           call prtdec                  ;

           mov  si,offset commnd_str    ; call command.com to run it
           int  2Eh                     ;


; Prints a number to ES:DI in decimal asciiz representation
;  if the number is a single digit, left pads with '0'
; on entry:
;     ax =  number
;  es:di -> position to write to
PrtDec     proc near uses ax cx dx
           cmp  ax,09                   ; if 0 - 9, left pad it
           ja   short prtdecnp          ;
           mov  byte es:[di],'0'        ; left pad a '0'
           inc  di                      ;
prtdecnp:  mov  cx,0FFFFh               ; Ending flag
           push cx
           mov  cx,10
PD1:       xor  dx,dx
           div  cx                      ; Divide by 10
           add  dl,30h                  ; Convert to ASCII
           push dx                      ; Store remainder
           or   ax,ax                   ; Are we done?
           jnz  short PD1               ; No, so continue
PD2:       pop  ax                      ; Character is now in AL
           cmp  ax,0FFFFh               ; Is it the ending flag?
           je   short PD3               ; Yes, so continue
           stosb                        ;
           jmp  short PD2               ; Keep doing it
PD3:       ret
PrtDec     endp

commnd_str db  21
           db  'set ourdate='
our_strng  db  'yyyymmdd'
           db  13


- To use MSTRENV just type MSTRENV at the DOS prompt.
MSTRENV shows what is in the master environment and the source explains how to get it. Once you have the address and size of the master environment, then you can modify it with out error as long as you don't exceed the size.

comment %
 Demo program assembled with the NBASM  
 to locate and print the master environment.
 22 Oct 2000 %

.186                                    ; allow 186 intructions
.model tiny                             ; create COM file
.code                                   ; start of code segment
           mov  ah,52h                  ; (undocumented) get 1st MCB 
           int  21h                     ; .
           mov  ax,es:[bx-2]            ; .
           mov  es,ax                   ; .

           add  ax,es:[0003h]           ; add length of 1st block
           inc  ax                      ;  (paragraphs)
           inc  ax                      ;  +2 to get command psp
           mov  es,ax                   ; and put in es

           mov  ax,es:[002Ch]           ; 2Ch = offset in PSP to environment
           or   ax,ax                   ; if = 0, 
           jnz  short validoff          ;  then must be DOS 3.x or below
           mov  ax,es                   ; dec  es
           dec  ax                      ;
           mov  es,ax                   ;
           add  ax,es:[0003h]           ; get address
           inc  ax                      ;

validoff:  dec  ax                      ; mov one paragraph back
           mov  es,ax                   ; and put in es
           mov  cx,es:[0003h]           ; cx = size of environment
           shl  cx,04                   ;   (in bytes)

           add  ax,04                   ; for Windows9x DOS session
           ;add  ax,02                   ; for True DOS 7.x
           ;inc  ax                      ; for DOS 4.01 and less

           mov  ds,ax                   ; make ds:si point to first
           xor  si,si                   ;  envirnment var

PrtLoop:   mov  al,0Dh                  ; print CRLF
           int  29h                     ;
           mov  al,0Ah                  ;
           int  29h                     ;
           mov  al,ds:[si]              ; if null then we're done
           or   al,al                   ;
           jz   short Done              ;
PrtLoop1:  lodsb                        ; get the char to print
           or   al,al                   ; if null then end of string
           jz   short PrtLoop           ;
           int  29h                     ; else print it
           loop PrtLoop1                ; loop to next one
; if for some reason we don't find a double null string
;  we will only go cx times with the loop instruction above

Done:      ret

SETPATH is also included to show how to added to the PATH= string variable.

comment %
 Demo program assembled with the NBASM  
 22 Oct 2000

 It is quite simple really.  All we have to do is the following items:
  1. Find the master environment segment.
  2. Syphon out the PATH=... variable string
  3. Put the PATH= at the end of the rest of the variable strings
  4. Add the command line paramter to the end of the PATH
     (adding a ';' if needed)
  5. Resize the environment block to allow our new path to fit
  6. rep movsb it
  7. done

.186                                    ; allow 186 intructions
.model tiny                             ; create COM file
.code                                   ; start of code segment
           .start                       ; tell NBASM to free unused mem
                                        ;  so we can resize the env block
           mov  ah,52h                  ; (undocumented) get 1st MCB
           int  21h                     ; .
           mov  ax,es:[bx-2]            ; .
           mov  es,ax                   ; .

           add  ax,es:[0003h]           ; add length of 1st block
           inc  ax                      ;  (paragraphs)
           inc  ax                      ;  +2 to get command psp
           mov  es,ax                   ; and put in es

           mov  ax,es:[002Ch]           ; 2Ch = offset in PSP to environment
           or   ax,ax                   ; if = 0, 
           jnz  short validoff          ;  then must be DOS 3.x or below
           mov  ax,es                   ; dec  es
           dec  ax                      ;
           mov  es,ax                   ;
           add  ax,es:[0003h]           ; get address
           inc  ax                      ;

validoff:  dec  ax                      ; mov one paragraph back
           mov  es,ax                   ; and put in es
           mov  cx,es:[0003h]           ; cx = size of environment
           shl  cx,04                   ;   (in bytes)

           add  ax,04                   ; for Windows9x DOS session
           ;add  ax,02                   ; for True DOS 7.x
           ;inc  ax                      ; for DOS 4.01 and less

           mov  cs:EnvStrSeg,ax         ; save envirnment seg
           mov  ds,ax                   ; make ds:si point to first
           xor  si,si                   ;  envirnment var
           push cs                      ; make sure es = cs
           pop  es
           mov  di,offset cs:Buffer1

PrtLoop:   mov  al,ds:[si]              ; if null then we're done
           or   al,al                   ;
           jz   short DoneG             ;
PrtLoop1:  push cx                      ; see if it is PATH=
           push si                      ;
           push di                      ;
           mov  di,offset cs:PathStr    ;
           mov  cx,5                    ;
           repe                         ;
           cmpsb                        ;
           pop  di                      ;
           pop  si                      ;
           pop  cx                      ;
           jne  short NotPath           ;
           push di                      ; if it is PATH= then mov to buffer2
           mov  di,offset cs:Buffer2    ; (this will put all of the env in
IsPath:    lodsb                        ;  buffer1 and the PATH in buffer2)
           stosb                        ;
           dec  cx                      ; one less byte to get
           or   al,al                   ;
           jnz  short IsPath            ;
           pop  di                      ;
           jmp  short PrtLoop           ;

NotPath:   lodsb                        ; get the char
           stosb                        ; put in buffer1
           or   al,al                   ; if null then end of string
           jz   short PrtLoop           ;
           loop PrtLoop1                ; loop to next one
; if for some reason we don't find a double null string
;  we will only go cx times with the loop instruction above

DoneG:     push cs                      ; point ds to cs  (PSP)
           pop  ds
           mov  si,81h                  ; point si to command line
SkpSpcs:   lodsb                        ; get parameters
           cmp  al,20h                  ; skip leading spaces
           je   short SkpSpcs           ;
           cmp  al,'+'                  ; if '+' then go to added to path
           je   short addtopath         ;
           cmp  al,'v'                  ; if 'v' then just print current path
           je   short printpath         ;
           mov  si,offset ErrCmdL       ; else print error with command com
           call prtstring               ;
           jmp  short ExitIt            ;
printpath: mov  si,offset Buffer2       ; print PATH=........
           call prtstring               ;
           jmp  short ExitIt            ;

addtopath: push cs                      ; add to path
           push cs                      ; make es and ds = cs
           pop  es                      ;
           pop  ds                      ;
           mov  di,offset Buffer1       ; find end of env
           xor  ax,ax                   ;
           mov  cx,2000                 ; up to 2000 bytes
           repne                        ;
           scasw                        ;
           dec  di                      ; go back
           dec  di                      ;
           push si                      ; save pos of addstr
           mov  si,offset Buffer2       ; put PATH=..... at end of env
AdditL:    lodsb                        ;
           stosb                        ;
           or   al,al                   ;
           jnz  short AdditL            ;

           dec  di                      ; go back
           cmp  byte [di-1],';'         ; if PATH doesnt end with ';' then
           je   short IsSc              ;  add one
           mov  byte [di-1],';'         ;
IsSc:      pop  si                      ; restore pos of addstr
IsScL:     lodsb                        ; now add parameter string to PATH
           cmp  al,0Dh                  ;
           je   short AddItD            ;
           cmp  al,20h                  ;
           je   short AddItD            ;
           stosb                        ;
           jmp  short IsScL             ;
AddItD:    xor  ax,ax                   ; put the double null
           stosw                        ;

           mov  bx,di                   ; length of full environment needed
           sub  bx,offset Buffer1       ;
           mov  ESize,bx                ; save size
           shr  bx,4                    ; resize the environment block
           inc  bx                      ;  to allow our addition
           mov  es,cs:EnvStrSeg         ;
           mov  ah,4Ah                  ; resize mem block
           int  21h                     ;
           jnc  short ResizeOK          ; if error then say so and
           mov  si,offset RszMemErr     ;  leave env untouched
           call prtstring               ;
           jmp  short ExitIt            ;
ResizeOK:  push cs                      ; make sure ds=cs
           pop  ds                      ;

           mov  cx,ESize                ; cx = length of new env
           mov  ax,EnvStrSeg            ;
           mov  es,ax                   ; point es to mstr env block
           xor  di,di                   ; start at first
           mov  si,offset Buffer1       ;  our new env
           rep                          ; *change it*
           movsb                        ;

ExitIt:    mov  ah,4Ch                  ; exit to DOS
           int  21h                     ;

prtstring  proc near uses ax dx
           mov  ah,02                   ; DOS print char service
Ps1:       lodsb                        ; Get character & point to next one
           or   al,al                   ; End of string?
           jz   short ps2               ; Yes, so exit
           mov  dl,al                   ; 
           int  21h                     ; Output a character
           jmp  short Ps1               ; Keep doing it
Ps2:       ret

EnvStrSeg  dw  00h
ESize      dw  00h
ErrCmdL    db  'Error with command line.  Environment unchanged.',13,10,0
RszMemErr  db  'Error resizing Environment space.',13,10,0
PathStr    db  'PATH=',0
Buffer1    dup 2000,?     ; holds original environment
Buffer2    dup 2000,?     ; holds original path