Retrieve the program name (Undocumented)
The following Assembly source code will retrieve its own name and path
Assemble with NBASM
.model tiny
org 100h ; we know that on entry ds=es=cs=ss
mov ax,es:[002Ch] ; get environment address from 'PSP'
mov es,ax ; es:di = environment
xor di,di ; start at beginning
xor al,al ; clear AL
mov cx,-1 ; cx = -1
scasb ; Find double zero
scasb ;
jne short p1_loop1 ;
push ds ; save data seg
push ds ; swap es,ds
push es ;
pop ds ;
pop es ;
lea si,[di+2] ; DS:SI = string
mov di,offset buffer ; ES:DI = buffer
lodsb ; Copy the string
or al,al
jnz short p1_loop2
mov al,36 ; put a '$' for service 09 below
stosb ;
pop ds ; restore Data Seg
mov dx,offset Buffer ; DOS print string service
mov ah,09 ;
int 21h ;
int 20h ; exit to DOS
Buffer: ; we don't need to define the len
.end start
To assembly it:
- NBASM progname
This example shows how to retrieve the programs name and path (dir) where it is located on the disk.