Correctly Rebooting the Machine
Assembled with NBASM
.model tiny
; Check if SMARTDRV has been installed,
; if so flush its buffers before we reboot.
; Interesting thought: This checks for only SMARTDRV 4.00 or higher
; What if a lower version of SMARTDRV is installed?
start: push ds ; save ds and es per a bug
push es ; in some versions of SMARTDRV
xor cx,cx ; make sure cx != 0EDCh to avoid any
; interaction with NWCACHE
mov ax,4A10h ; installation check for SMARTDRV
xor bx,bx ;
int 2Fh ; (destroys dx,bx,di,si,bp)
pop es ;
pop ds ;
cmp ax,0BABEh ; Is it installed?
jne short SkpFlush ; No, so skip the flush
mov ax,4A10h ; else, yes, so flush it
mov bx,0001h ; flush cache function call
int 2Fh ;
; Clear system reset flag for cold boot
; For a warm reboot (no memory check), place a 1234h instead of the zero.
SkpFlush: xor ax,ax ; make 0000:0472h != 1234h
mov es,ax ; remeber that:
mov es:[0472h],ax ; 0000:0472h = 0040:0072h
; Check for 8088/8086, these use a different reboot procedure
cli ; interrupts off
pushf ; save original flags
pushf ; put flags in ax
pop ax ;
and ax,0FFFh ; clear bits 15 & 13
or ax,5000h ; and set bits 14 & 12
push ax ; place them back in flags
popf ;
pushf ; now get flags back in ax
pop ax ;
popf ; restore original flags
sti ; allow interrupts again
and ax,0F000h ; clear bits 11 - 0
cmp ax,0F000h ; are bits 15 - 12 set?
jz short UseJmpCmnd ; nope
; AT+ CPU's should be in reset condition and key registers in known state
; before entering reboot BIOS code
; Check the keyboard controller to see if ready to accept command
xor cx,cx ; time out counter
CntrlrL1: in al,64h ; get controller status
jmp short ($+2) ; short delay for 8086s and 80186s
jmp short ($+2) ;
test al,02h ; input buffer full?
jz short Ok2Send ;
loop CntrlrL1 ; if counter expires, fall thru
jmp short UseJmpCmnd ; Failed (controller is busy)
; Hardware reset by setting system reset line low for ~6ms
Ok2Send: mov al,0FEh ; 'reset system' command
out 64h,al ; send the command
jmp short ($+2) ; short delay for 8086s and 80186s
jmp short ($+2) ;
xor cx,cx ; Timeout counter
Accepted: in al,64h ; get controller status
jmp short ($+2) ; short delay for 8086s and 80186s
jmp short ($+2) ;
test al,02 ; input buffer full?
jz short UseJmpCmnd ; jmp if accepted (i.e: stop trying)
loop Accepted ; try again, fall thru if fail
; if above was successful, then should be in reboot process now
; Use for XT a different reboot procedure, jump to reset start address
jmp far 0FFF0h,0F000h ; jmp to F000:FFF0h