Compression Using the Splay-tree technique
Compress and decompress files using the "splay tree" technique. Based on the article by Douglas W. Jones, Application of Splay Trees to Data Compression in Communications of the ACM, August 1988.
SPLAYIT (no filenames or parameters)
SPLAYIT simply compresses a predefined file to a predefined file and then uncompresses back to another predefined file. You can change the filenames in the code or add a command-line parser.
This routine has NO error checking. It is given to show how to program a splay tree compression routine. You can simple add error checking by testing each file read buffer and file write buffer routines as well as the open and close file routines.
SPLAY.ASM Copyright 1984-2025
by Forever Young Software
Benjamin David Lunt
Version 1.02
09 Dec 1998
Assembled with: NBASM
Comment |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Compress and decompress files using the "splay tree" technique.
Based on the article by Douglas W. Jones, "Application of Splay Trees to
Data Compression" in Communications of the ACM, August 1988.
SPLAYIT (no filenames or parameters)
SPLAYIT simply compresses a predefined file to a predefined file and then
uncompresses back to another predefined file. You can change the filenames
in the code or add a command-line parser.
.model tiny
org 100h
mov dx,offset CompStr ; ** compress file
mov ah,09
int 21h
mov dx,offset InName
call OpenSFile
mov dx,offset OutName
call OpenTFile
call InitSplay
call CompFile
mov bx,Handle1
call CloseFile
mov bx,Handle2
call CloseFile ; ** done compress file
mov dx,offset ExpndStr ; ** expand file
mov ah,09
int 21h
mov dx,offset OutName
call OpenSFile
mov dx,offset OrgName
call OpenTFile
call InitSplay
call ExpndFile
mov bx,Handle1
call CloseFile
mov bx,Handle2
call CloseFile ; ** done expand file
mov ax,4C00h
int 21h
InitSplay proc near
; nbasm does not support the local directive (yet)
;local I:word,K:word,J:byte
jmp short ISkipLocal
I dw 00h
J dw 00h
K dw 00h
mov cx,512
xor ax,ax
mov di,offset Up
inc ax
UpLoop: push ax
dec ax
shr ax,1
pop ax
inc ax
loop UpLoop
mov cx,256
xor ax,ax
mov si,offset Left
mov di,offset Right
LRLoop: push ax
inc ax
shl ax,1
dec ax
mov [si],ax
inc si
inc si
pop ax
inc ax
loop LRLoop
InitSplay endp
OpenSFile proc near
mov ax,3D00h ; open RO file
int 21h ;
mov Handle1,ax
OpenSFile endp
OpenTFile proc near
mov ah,5Bh ; create new file
xor ch,ch ; normal file
mov cl,00100000b ;
int 21h ;
mov Handle2,ax
OpenTFile endp
CloseFile proc near
mov ah,3Eh ; Close File
int 21h ;
CloseFile endp
SPlay proc near uses ax bx ; uses passed ax
; nbasm does not support the local directive (yet)
;local A:word,B:word,C:byte,D:byte
jmp short SSkipLocal
A dw 00h
B dw 00h
C dw 00h
D dw 00h
add ax,256 ; A = Plain + 256;
mov A,ax ;
SLoop: mov bx,offset Up ; C = Up[A]
add bx,ax ;
mov al,[bx] ;
mov C,al ;
or al,al ; if C <> Root then begin
jnz NotSElse
jmp SElse ;
NotSElse: mov bx,offset Up ; D = Up[C]
xor ah,ah ;
add bx,ax ;
mov al,[bx] ;
mov D,al ;
mov bx,offset Left ; B = Left[D]
xor ah,ah ;
shl ax,1 ; double for word
add bx,ax ;
mov ax,[bx] ;
mov B,ax ;
mov al,C ; if C = B then begin
xor ah,ah ;
cmp ax,B ;
jne short NotCBE ;
mov bx,offset Right ; B = Right[D]
mov al,D ;
xor ah,ah ;
shl ax,1 ; double for word
add bx,ax ;
mov ax,[bx] ;
mov B,ax ;
mov ax,A ; Right[D] = A
mov [bx],ax ;
jmp short NextIf ;
NotCBE: mov al,D ; Left[D] = A
xor ah,ah ;
shl ax,1 ; double for word
mov bx,offset Left ;
add bx,ax ;
mov ax,A ;
mov [bx],ax ;
NextIf: mov al,C ; if A = Left[C] then
xor ah,ah ;
shl ax,1 ; double for word
mov bx,offset Left ;
add bx,ax ;
mov ax,[bx] ;
cmp ax,A ;
jne short RCEB ;
mov ax,B ; Left[C] = B
mov [bx],ax ;
jmp short DoUps ;
RCEB: mov al,C ; Right[C] = B
xor ah,ah ;
shl ax,1 ; double for word
mov bx,offset Right ;
add bx,ax ;
mov ax,B ;
mov [bx],ax ;
DoUps: mov ax,A ; Up[A] = D
mov bx,offset UP ;
add bx,ax ;
mov al,D ;
mov [bx],al ;
mov ax,B ; Up[B] = C
mov bx,offset UP ;
add bx,ax ;
mov al,C ;
mov [bx],al ;
mov al,D ; A = D
SElse: xor ah,ah ; A = C
mov A,ax ;
or ax,ax ; until A = Root (see next comment)
jz short SPlayRet
jmp SLoop ; (A=ax)(faster to test ax then A)
SPlayRet: ret
SPlay endp
FOBuffer proc near uses ax bx cx dx
cmp word OutSize,00h ; if OutSize > 0 then begin
je short DFO ;
mov ah,40h ; write to file
mov bx,Handle2
mov cx,OutSize
mov dx,offset BufferOut
int 21h
mov word OutSize,00h
DFO: ret
FOBuffer endp
WriteByte proc near uses ax bx
cmp word OutSize,16384 ; if OutSize = 16384 then
jb short NoFLO
call FOBuffer ; FlushOutBuffer
NoFLO: mov bx,offset BufferOut ; OutBuffer[OutSize] = OutByte
add bx,OutSize ;
mov al,OutByte ;
mov [bx],al ;
inc word OutSize ; inc OutSize
WriteByte endp
Compress proc near uses cx si di ; uses passed ax
; nbasm does not support the local directive (yet)
;local PSDAX:word,A1:word,U:byte
jmp short CSkipLocal
PSDAX dw 00h
A1 dw 00h
U dw 00h
mov PSDAX,ax ; A1 = Plain + 256
add ax,256 ;
mov A1,ax ;
push ax ; save A1
mov di,offset Stck ; our stack
mov al,0FFh ; bottom of stack flag
stosb ;
pop ax ; restore A1
; repeat
RCLoop: mov bx,offset Up ; U = Up[A1]
add bx,ax ;
mov al,[bx] ;
mov U,al ;
mov bx,offset Right ; Stack[Sp] = (Right[U] = A1)
xor ah,ah ;
shl ax,1 ; double for word
add bx,ax ;
mov ax,[bx] ;
cmp ax,A1 ;
jne short NotTrue ;
mov al,01h ; TRUE
jmp short IsTrue ;
NotTrue: xor al,al ; FALSE
IsTrue: stosb ; save on stack
mov al,U ; A1 = U
xor ah,ah ;
mov A1,ax ;
or ax,ax ; until A1 = Root
jnz short RCLoop ;
UnStack: dec di ; if Stack[Sp] then
mov al,[di] ;
cmp al,0FFh
je short DoneStck
cmp al,01h ; TRUE
jne short NotOrIt ;
mov bl,OutByte ;
or bl,OrIt ;
mov OutByte,bl ;
NotOrIt: cmp byte OrIt,10000000b
jne short NotPos7
call WriteByte ;
mov byte OutByte,00h ;
NotPos7: rol byte OrIt,1
jmp short UnStack ; go to the next one
DoneStck: mov ax,PSDAX
call SPlay ; Splay(Plain)
Compress endp
CompFile proc near
mov byte OrIt,00000001b
DoIt: mov ah,3Fh ; BlockRead.....
mov cx,16384 ;
mov bx,Handle1 ;
mov dx,offset BufferIn ;
int 21h ;
or ax,ax ; if none read finish up
jz short NoMore ;
push ax ;
mov cx,ax ; Index = 1 to InSize
mov si,offset BufferIn ;
DoFor: lodsb ;
xor ah,ah ;
call Compress ; Compress(InBuffer[index])
loop DoFor ;
pop ax ;
cmp ax,16384 ; until InSize < 16384
je short DoIt ;
NoMore: mov ax,256 ; Compress(EofChar)
call Compress ;
cmp byte OrIt,00000001b ; if BitPos <> 0 then
je short FlushIt
call WriteByte
FlushIt: call FOBuffer
CompFile endp
;; ** now begins the expansion part ** ;;
GetByte proc near uses bx cx dx
inc word Index
mov ax,Index
cmp ax,InSize
jb short GetIt
mov ah,3Fh ; BlockRead.....
mov cx,16384 ;
mov bx,Handle1 ;
mov dx,offset BufferIn ;
int 21h ;
mov InSize,ax
mov word Index,00h
GetIt: mov bx,offset BufferIn
add bx,Index
mov al,[bx]
GetByte endp
Expand proc near uses bx
xor dx,dx ; A = Root;
ExLoop: cmp byte OrIt,10000000b
jne short ENot07
call GetByte ; returns in al
mov InByte,al
ENot07: rol byte OrIt,1
mov al,InByte
and al,OrIt
or al,al
jnz short NBitEZ
mov bx,offset Left ; A = left[A]
jmp short DoUntA
NBitEZ: mov bx,offset Right ; A = right[A]
DoUntA: mov ax,dx
shl ax,1
add bx,ax
mov ax,[bx]
mov dx,ax ; A
cmp ax,255 ; until A > PredMax
jbe short ExLoop
sub ax,256
call Splay
ReadErr: ret
Expand endp
ExpndFile proc near uses ax bx cx dx
mov byte OrIt,10000000b
EoCLoop: call Expand ; returns in ax
cmp ax,256
je short XEndIt
mov OutByte,al
call WriteByte
jmp short EoCLoop
XEndIt: call FOBuffer
ExpndFile endp
Handle1 dw 00h ; handle for source file
Handle2 dw 00h ; handle for target file
OutByte db 00h ; the byte to write
InByte db 00h ; the byte read
OrIt db 00h ; AND var
InSize dw 00h ; len of data in source buffer (amount read in)
Index dw 00h ; location to put next byte in buffer
OutSize dw 00h ; len of data in target buffer (amount to write)
InName db '',0 ; *** filename to use here (source)(orig. file)
OutName db 'name.spl',0 ; *** and here (compressed file)(splayed)
OrgName db 'name.uns',0 ; *** and here (uncompressed file)(unsplayed)
CompStr db 13,10,'Compressing...$'
ExpndStr db 13,10,'Expanding...$'
Stck dup 256,?
Left dup 512,?
Right dup 512,?
Up dup 514,? ; (2 extra for safety)
BufferIn dup 16384,?
BufferOut dup 16390,?