Ultimate: The Ultimate Image Browser: Make New Image

To make a new image, use the File->New menu option, select a file or enter a filename and click on "Save".
If this is an existing file, you will need to confirm to overwrite it.

Now choose a type below, then go to the end of this page to complete the process.


You should have a dialog that looks similiar to:

Master Boot Record

You should have a dialog that looks similiar to:

For each Partition Tab: ('Entry x', where x is 0 to 3)

Ext Master Boot Record

Uses my own Ext. Master Boot Record partitioning system allowing up to sixteen (16) volumes. If you plan to boot this image, you will need the boot source code from that page.

You should have a dialog that looks similiar to:

For each Partition Tab: ('Entry x', where x is 0 to 15)

GUID Partition Table

View this page for a more detailed view on this type.

You should have a dialog that looks similiar to:

For each Partition Tab: ('Entry x', where x is 0 to 15)

CD-ROM (ISO9660)

You should have a dialog that looks similiar to:

Ready to Create Image

If you created a MBR image, have a look at what to do next.

See the Main Help Page for more information on this technique.