Please see this page for more information.
The following code is included with and used for the example code for the Hugi Compo #28.
However, it will explain how to find the PCI UHCI controller without using the BIOS, set up the controller,
detect the ports, detect a device on the port, reset the device, and retrieve the device descriptor.
It is a rough draft, but works at the moment. Please note, the code is purposely bloated since the object
of the hugi compo is to create the same program in as few bytes as possible.
Let me know if you have any questions or comments about this code.
; Hugi 28: Hugi USB
; The example.asm for Hugi Compo #28
; This example does and tries to explain the process of getting
; the device descriptor of a USB device.
; It first finds the UHCI controller on the PCI bus, enables the
; PCI, and gets the Base address and the Interrupt number.
; It then, sets up the UHCI controller, a stack frame, and gets
; the device descriptor of an attached device.
; More detail to this process is within the comments to each particular
; task below.
; Version: 1.01.00
; Date: 11 June 2009
; Assembled with: NBASM
; Author: Ben Lunt (Sniper)
; This code is intended for the Hugi Compo 28, and/or for those who
; are learning about the USB and UHCI controller. This code can not
; be redistributed or copied for any other reason unless you have
; direct concent from the author.
; we are a .com file
.model tiny
; EQUates
; The PCI Bus IO ports
PCI_ADDR equ 0CF8h
STATUS equ 2
SOF equ 12
PORT0 equ 16
PORT1 equ 18
IS_QUEUE equ (1<<1)
; Structs
UHCI_Q struct
horz dword;
vert dword;
UHCI_Q ends
UHCI_TD struct
link_ptr dword;
stats dword;
info dword;
buffer dword;
resv dup 16;
UHCI_TD ends
; code stars here
.code ;
.386 ; we will use (and assume) we are a .386 or better
.stack 512 ; leave 512 bytes for the stack
org 100h ; .com files start at 100h
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; this is a NBASM directive to add the code
; to free all memory past our code below
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; First thing would be to find the UHCI controller on the PCI Bus
; We will do this using the PCI alone. We could use the PCI
; BIOS services, ax = 0B1xxh, but I prefer to use the PCI itself.
; Using ports 0xCF8 and 0xCFC, we can read/write to the PCI Bus.
; We first write to the ADDRess port using the following bits:
; Bit(s) 1: 0 reserved (should be written as zeros)
; 7: 2 config register number (see #00878 in RBIL)
; 10: 8 function number
; 15:11 device number
; 23:16 bus number
; 30:24 reserved (should be written as zeros)
; 31 enable configuration space mapping
; We must read in a dword at a time, with bits 7:2 detailing
; which dword offset to read. ;
; We assume there are at least 2 bus's, 32 devices per bus,
; and 8 functions per device.
xor bx,bx ; bh = bus, bl = dev
xor cl,cl ; cl = function
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; read in the ID word (first word in config space)
mov dl,2 ; we want a 16-bit value returned
xor ch,ch ; first offset we want is zero
call pci_read ; read the word
cmp ax,0FFFFh ; if value is 0FFFFh, then no device
je short pci_no_device ; at this location
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; if vendor_id is not 0FFFFh, then there is a device there
; read in the class
mov dl,1
mov ch,11
call pci_read ; read the word
cmp al,0Ch ;
jne short pci_no_device
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; read in the sub_class
mov dl,1
mov ch,10
call pci_read ; read the word
cmp al,03h ;
jne short pci_no_device
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; read in the proto
mov dl,1
mov ch,9
call pci_read ; read the word
cmp al,00h ; [1] See note at eof
jne short pci_no_device
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; found UHCI device.
mov si,offset s_found_uhci_dev
call prt_string
jmp short found_uhci
inc cl ; increment to next function
cmp cl,8 ; if it is 8, move to next device
jb short pci_main_loop ;
xor cl,cl ; func = 0
inc bl ; increment to next device
cmp bl,32 ; if it is 32, move to next bus
jb short pci_main_loop ;
xor bl,bl ; dev = 0
inc bh ; increment to next bus
cmp bh,2 ; if it is 2, then we didn't find the UHCI
jb short pci_main_loop ;
mov si,offset s_no_uhci_found
call prt_string
; We found a UHCI device, so get the base address and the int number.
; Get and save the IO Base and Interrupt number
; Write 0005h to the PCI status register to allow access
; Also write 8F00h to the Legacy register in the config space
mov dl,2 ; the IO base is 2 bytes in size
mov ch,20h ; base4 is at offset 32
call pci_read ; read the word
and al,0FCh ; clear out the last 2 bits
mov io_base,ax ; save the io base
mov dl,1 ; the int num is 1 byte in size
mov ch,3Ch ; and is at offset 60
call pci_read ; read the byte
mov int_num,al ; save the int number
mov eax,0005h ; write 0005h to the access register
mov dl,2 ; is a word
mov ch,04h ; at offset 04
call pci_write ; write it
mov eax,8F00h ; write 8F00h to the legacy register
mov dl,2 ; is a word
mov ch,0C0h ; at offset C0h
call pci_write ; write it
; reset the controller by setting bit 2 (GRESET) in the command register
; waiting at least 10ms, then reseting the bit.
mov dx,io_base
add dx,COMMAND
mov ax,(1<<2) ; bit 2 (GRESET)
out dx,ax
; now wait for at least 10ms
call delay55ms
; clear the register (setting it to default values)
mov dx,io_base
add dx,COMMAND
xor ax,ax
out dx,ax
; we now need to set up a frame list. Per the rules, we need to
; allocate it using DOS
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; since the frame address requires alignment of 4096,
; we allocate (4096 * 2) bytes
mov ah,48h
mov bx,((4096*2)>>4)
int 21h
jnc short @f
mov si,offset s_no_memory
call prt_string
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; save the address for the mfree call and
; convert to 32-bit and write to the controller
@@: mov frame_addr,ax
and eax,0FFFFh
shl eax,4
add eax,4095
and eax,(~4095)
mov dx,io_base
out dx,eax
shr eax,4
mov frame_addra,ax
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; mark each frame as 'T'erminated
push es
mov ax,frame_addra
mov es,ax
xor di,di
mov eax,1
mov cx,1024
pop es
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; Set the IOC interrupt bit enable
; *We must set all four bit to get Bochs to work*
; (Ben: Fix Bochs)
mov dx,io_base
mov ax,000Fh
out dx,ax
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; Start the UHCI controller.
mov dx,io_base
add dx,COMMAND
mov ax,01
out dx,ax
; This is where the main loop starts. We find a port with the ConnectChange
; bit set, clear it, see if connection is made, and get the descriptor.
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; A few things to start with.
mov word port,10h ; Port = 10h
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
main_loop: ; set up the address in dx
mov dx,io_base
add dx,port
; test the connect status change bit
in ax,dx
test ax,(1<<1) ; connect status change bit
jz no_device_attached
; reset the connect status change bit
mov ax,(1<<1)
out dx,ax
; test the connect status bit
in ax,dx
test ax,(1<<0)
jz no_device_attached
; there is a connection, reset, and send the packet
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; first reset the port
mov ax,(1<<9)
out dx,ax
; now wait for at least 50ms
call delay55ms
; clear the reset
in ax,dx
and ax,(~(1<<9))
out dx,ax
; now wait for at least 50ms
call delay55ms
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; enable the device
in ax,dx
or ax,(1<<2)
out dx,ax
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; we can not assume it is a LS device,
; so get the LS bit in the PORTS[x] register.
; we set/clear the bit in ecx for or'ing
xor ecx,ecx
in ax,dx
test ax,(1<<8)
jz short @f
or ecx,(1<<26)
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; set up our frame TD's
; We already have then hard coded in our data section,
; but need to fix up the addresses.
xor eax,eax ; get the segment address
mov ax,cs ;
shl eax,4 ; convert to 32-bit address
; Setup_TD
mov edx,eax
add edx,offset TD0 ;
mov Setup_TD.link_ptr,edx
or Setup_TD.stats,ecx ; set/or don't set LS bit
mov edx,offset Setup_Packet
add edx,eax
mov Setup_TD.buffer,edx
; TD0
mov edx,eax
add edx,offset TD1
mov TD0.link_ptr,edx
or TD0.stats,ecx ; set/or don't set LS bit
mov edx,(Device_Descriptor + 0)
add edx,eax
mov TD0.buffer,edx
; TD1
mov edx,eax
add edx,offset TD2
mov TD1.link_ptr,edx
or TD1.stats,ecx ; set/or don't set LS bit
mov edx,(Device_Descriptor + 8)
add edx,eax
mov TD1.buffer,edx
; TD2
mov edx,eax
add edx,offset Status_TD
mov TD2.link_ptr,edx
or TD2.stats,ecx ; set/or don't set LS bit
mov edx,(Device_Descriptor + 16)
add edx,eax
mov TD2.buffer,edx
; Status_TD
or Status_TD.stats,ecx ; set/or don't set LS bit
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; Set up the Queue Head
mov edx,offset Setup_TD
add edx,eax
mov dword Queue.horz,1
mov Queue.vert,edx
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; point the first frame in the list to our queue.
push es
mov es,frame_addra
add eax,offset Queue ; eax still = 'base address'
or eax,IS_QUEUE ; is a queue
mov es:[0],eax
pop es
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; wait for the interrupt to happen
mov dx,io_base
add dx,2
@@: call delay55ms
in ax,dx
test ax,1
jz short @b
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; print that the interrupt fired
mov si,offset s_fired
call prt_string
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; now mark the frame pointer as terminated
push es
mov es,frame_addra
mov eax,00000001
mov es:[0],eax
pop es
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; now print it out.
mov si,offset crlf
call prt_string
mov si,offset Device_Descriptor
mov cx,7
@@: lodsb
call prt_byte
mov ah,02
mov dl,' '
int 21h
loop @b
call prt_byte
mov ah,02
mov dl,'-'
int 21h
mov cx,8
@@: lodsb
call prt_byte
mov ah,02
mov dl,' '
int 21h
loop @b
push si
mov si,offset crlf
call prt_string
pop si
mov cx,2
@@: lodsb
call prt_byte
mov ah,02
mov dl,' '
int 21h
loop @b
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; we are done with this one, so loop until
; we find a connect status change bit set again.
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; move to next port and loop
add word port,02h
cmp word port,12h
jbe main_loop
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; start at the first port again.
mov word port,10h
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; if we are now past the forth port,
; check for a key press. If key press,
; then end, else reset to the first port,
; and loop again.
mov ah,01h
int 16h
jz main_loop
; user pressed a key, so do the clean up and exit
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; stop the controller
mov dx,io_base
add dx,COMMAND
xor ax,ax
out dx,ax
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; free the address we used for the frame_addr
push es
mov ah,49h
mov es,frame_addr
int 21h
pop es
; =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; done, so exit cleanly
; if we wait for the BIOS time_stamp to increment at least
; once, we have waited at least 1/18.2 of a second or 55ms
; and at most 1/9.1 of a second, or 109ms
delay55ms proc near uses es
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,es:[046Ch] ; wait the first time for the actual tick
@@: cmp ax,es:[046Ch]
je short @b
mov ax,es:[046Ch] ; wait the second time for another tick
@@: cmp ax,es:[046Ch]
je short @b
delay55ms endp
; read from the PCI config space
; on entry:
; bh = bus
; bl = dev
; cl = func
; ch = offset in bytes (0, 1, 2, ,255)
; dl = size in bytes to return
; on return
; eax = read value in (dl) bytes
pci_read proc near uses cx edx
push dx ; save size wanted in dl
mov eax,8000h
mov al,bh ; bus
shl eax,5
or al,bl ; dev
shl eax,3
or al,cl ; func
shl eax,6
push cx ;
shr ch,2 ; make dword based
or al,ch ; offset
pop cx ;
shl eax,2 ; last two bits are zero.
mov dx,PCI_ADDR
out dx,eax
mov dl,ch ; last 2 bits of offset
and dx,0003h
add dx,PCI_DATA
in eax,dx
pop dx ; restore size wanted in dl
mov cl,4
sub cl,dl
shl cl,3
mov edx,0FFFFFFFFh
shr edx,cl
and eax,edx
pci_read endp
; write to the PCI config space
; on entry:
; bh = bus
; bl = dev
; cl = func
; ch = offset in bytes (0, 1, 2, ,255)
; dl = size in bytes
; eax = value to write
; on return
; nothing
pci_write proc near uses cx ebx edx
push eax ; save value to write
push dx ; save size wanted in dl
mov eax,8000h
mov al,bh ; bus
shl eax,5
or al,bl ; dev
shl eax,3
or al,cl ; func
shl eax,6
push cx ;
shr ch,2 ; make dword based
or al,ch ; offset
pop cx ;
shl eax,2 ; last two bits are zero.
mov dx,PCI_ADDR
out dx,eax
mov dl,ch ; last 2 bits of offset
and dx,0003h
add dx,PCI_DATA
in eax,dx
pop cx ; restore size wanted in cl
shl cl,3
mov ebx,0FFFFFFFFh
shl ebx,cl
and eax,ebx
pop ebx
or eax,ebx
out dx,eax
pci_write endp
; print a string
; on entry:
; ds:si -> asciiz string
; on return:
; nothing
prt_string proc near uses ax dx si
mov ah,02 ; DOS print char service
@@: lodsb ; Get character & point to next one
or al,al ; End of string?
jz short @f ; Yes, so exit
mov dl,al ;
int 21h ; Output a character
jmp short @b ; Keep doing it
@@: ret
prt_string endp
; print a byte in hex format
; on entry:
; al = value
; on return:
; nothing
prt_byte proc near uses ax cx dx
mov cx,02
@@: rol al,04 ;
push ax ;
and al,0Fh ;
daa ;
add al,0F0h ;
adc al,40h ;
mov ah,02 ;
mov dl,al ;
int 21h ;
pop ax ;
loop @b ;
prt_byte endp
; data
io_base dw 0000h ; the io base for the UHCI
int_num db 00h ; interrupt number to use
frame_addr dw 0000h ; segment address of allocated memory
frame_addra dw 0000h ; segment address of aligned memory
port dw 0000h ; port number offset 0x10 or 0x12
.para ; must be paragraph aligned
Queue st UHCI_Q
Setup_TD st UHCI_TD uses 000000000h \ ; calc'd at run time
((3<<27) | (80h<<16)) \ ; C_ERR | STATUS
((7<<21) | (0<<19) | 2Dh) \ ; Len = 8, Data0, Setup
000000000h ; calc'd at run time
TD0 st UHCI_TD uses 000000000h \ ; calc'd at run time
((3<<27) | (80h<<16)) \ ; C_ERR | STATUS
((7<<21) | (1<<19) | 69h) \ ; Len = 8, Data1, In
000000000h ; calc'd at run time
TD1 st UHCI_TD uses 000000000h \ ; calc'd at run time
((3<<27) | (80h<<16)) \ ; C_ERR | STATUS
((7<<21) | (0<<19) | 69h) \ ; Len = 8, Data0, In
000000000h ; calc'd at run time
TD2 st UHCI_TD uses 000000000h \ ; calc'd at run time
((3<<27) | (80h<<16)) \ ; C_ERR | STATUS
((1<<21) | (1<<19) | 69h) \ ; Len = 2, Data1, In
000000000h ; calc'd at run time
Status_TD st UHCI_TD uses 000000001h \ ; terminate
((3<<27) | (1<<24) | (80h<<16)) \ ; C_ERR | IOC | STATUS
((7FFh<<21) | (1<<19) | 0E1h) \ ; Len = 0, Data1, Out
000000000h ; calc'd at run time
Device_Descriptor dup 18,0
Setup_Packet db 80h ; dev->host, type=standard, recipient=device
db 6 ; get descriptor
db 0 ; index = 0
db 1 ; type = device
dw 0 ; value = 0 (not used)
dw 18 ; 18 bytes
; strings
s_no_uhci_found db 13,10,"We didn't find a UHCI...",0
s_found_uhci_dev db 13,10,'Found a UHCI device: ',0
s_no_memory db 13,10,'No memory found.',0
s_fired db 13,10,'Interrupt fired.',0
crlf db 13,10,0
[1] The UHCI has a proto code of 0x00, while the OHCI has 0x10, the EHCI
has a code of 0x20, and the xHCI has a code of 0x30. Simply change
this byte, and the code will find that respected controller. However,
if you change it to anything but UHCI, the code following will not
work as you expected :-)