Wipe all contents from a file then delete it
; WipeIt is a file deletion routine that first replaces all bytes in the
; file with a predefined byte. This makes it harder for someone
; to see what was in that file.
; It would not be to difficult to make this routine loop 2 or 3
; times and replace each byte with a different byte on each loop.
; This makes for higher security.
; * Use at your own risk *
; WipeIt.com v1.01
; Forever Young Software
; Copyright 1984-2025
; Benjamin David Lunt
; All Rights Reserved
; 08 Mar 2001
; assemble with NBASM
.model tiny
org 100h
start: mov ax,cs ; free unused part of Mem Block
mov es,ax ; for .COM file format
mov bx,4096 ;
mov ah,4Ah ;
int 21h ;
mov ah,48h ; allocate a full segment
mov bx,4096 ;
int 21h ;
jc NoMemory ;
mov ZeroSeg,ax ; save seg address
mov es,ax ;
mov cx,16384 ;
mov eax,59465946h ; and put 'FY' in segment
xor di,di ;
rep ;
stosd ;
push ds ; make sure es=ds
pop es ;
push ds ; save ds
mov ah,62h ; get segment address of PSP
int 21h ;
push bx ;
pop ds ; and put in ds
mov cl,[0080h] ; get len of command line
xor ch,ch ;
or cx,cx ; if zero then no filename specified
jz NoFileN ;
mov di,offset CmmdLine ; put it in our filename buffer
mov si,0082h ;
CmmdL: lodsb ; I don't rely on the amount at 0080h
cmp al,13 ; this is more reliable
je short CmmdDone ;
stosb ;
loop CmmdL ;
CmmdDone: pop ds ; restore ds
mov ax,2400h ; make asciiz string and eos at end
stosw ; of asciiz for string output
mov dx,offset Msg1 ; string output
mov ah,09h ; Msg1 and CmmdLine
int 21h ;
xor ah,ah ;
int 16h ;
cmp ax,1559h ; if not 'Y' then abort
jne Aborted ;
mov ax,3D01h ; open file for write access
mov dx,offset CmmdLine ;
int 21h ;
jc short FileErr ; if carry then file/path not found?
mov Handle,ax ; else save handle
mov bx,ax ; and put it in bx
mov ax,4202h ; place file pointer at end of file
xor cx,cx ;
xor dx,dx ;
int 21h ; returns file len in dx:ax
shl edx,16 ; put dx in hi of edx, clr lo word
and eax,0FFFFh ; clr hi word of eax
or eax,edx ; put file size in eax
push eax ; save file size
mov ax,4200h ; replace file pointer at beginning
xor cx,cx ; of file
xor dx,dx ;
int 21h ; returns file len in dx:ax
pop eax ; restore file size
xor dx,dx ; offset in buffer
mov bx,Handle ; handle to use
push ds
mov ds,ZeroSeg
DoItL: or eax,eax ; if bytes left to clr = 0 then done
jz short DoItDn ;
cmp eax,0FFFFh ; if size <= 0FFFFh then
jbe short LastTime ; just put in ecx
mov ecx,0FFFFh ; else put 0FFFFh in ecx
jmp short WrtIt ;
LastTime: mov ecx,eax ;
; Please Note: If your disk system may have 512 byte clusters and that cluster can
; only have a single file occupying it. So if you have a 513 byte file, this
; file will occupy two clusters.
; So here is where you could "wipe out" the rest of the cluster as well, instead
; of only the file.
; add the following code here:
; sub eax,ecx
; or ecx,01FFh
; inc ecx
; jmp short WrtIt1
; remember, this only works with 512 byte clusters.....
WrtIt: sub eax,ecx ; sub len by ecx
WrtIt1: push eax ; save len
mov ah,40h ; write the 'string' (FYFYFYFY....)
int 21h ; .
pop eax ; restore len
jmp short DoItL ; go to top of loop
DoItDn: pop ds ; restore the data segment
mov bx,Handle ; close the file
mov ah,3Eh ;
int 21h ;
mov dx,offset CmmdLine ; the filename of file to delete
mov ah,41h ; delete it
int 21h ;
jmp short Done ; finished (exit normaly)
NoMemory: mov dx,offset NoMemS ; string output
jmp short PrntIt ;
FileErr: mov dx,offset FireErrS ; string output
jmp short PrntIt ;
Aborted: mov dx,offset AbortedS ; string output
jmp short PrntIt ;
NoFileN: pop ds ; restore ds from above
mov dx,offset NoFlErr ; string output
PrntIt: mov ah,09h ;
int 21h ;
Done: int 20h ; exit to DOS
; (uses less code then service 4Ch)
Handle dw 00h
ZeroSeg dw 00h
NoFlErr db 13,10,'No file specified.',36
AbortedS db 13,10,' Aborted by user. File not wiped out...',36
FireErrS db 13,10,' *Aborted* File Error...',36
NoMemS db 13,10,' *Aborted* Out of Memory...',36
Msg1 db 13,10,' Wipe out the file (Y/N): ' ; no 36 needed
CmmdLine db 00h ; we don't need to assign this any thing longer than
; just one byte. In the startup code, we allowed
; for the whole segment to be in use for our code